
Showing posts from December, 2014

What is the real meaning of Christmas?

Photo credit from Mr Handel S. Casidsid during the Employees Christmas Eve Dinner at Boracay Haven Resort. From left after me Aries Angeles, Brett Richard Borjal and our Resident Manager Christian D. Guballa. What is the real meaning of Christmas? Colossians 1:15-20 ;  1 John 4:2   QA70 PDF Print Email The answer may just surprise you. For many, Christmas is the time to think of Jesus Christ as a baby in a manger. While the birth of Christ is a special and miraculous event, it isn't the primary focus. The central truth of the Christmas story is this: the Child of Christmas is God. God in a Manger Christmas is not about the Savior's infancy; it is about His deity. The humble birth of Jesus Christ was never intended to conceal the reality that God was being born into the world. But the modern world's version of Christmas does just that. And consequently for the greater part of humanity, Christmas has no legitimate meaning at all. I don'